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Canteen Roster

The Canteen is open each Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

There are two shifts per day: 8.30-11.30am and 11.00am-2.00pm.

Two volunteers are required for each shift on a Monday and Wednesday, and four volunteers per shift are needed on Fridays – that’s 80 roster slots that need to be filled!

The Canteen is managed by Mrs Lesley Irvine, who oversees the day to day operations of the Canteen on behalf of the P&C. Along with all the Mums who tend to make up the bulk of Canteen helpers, Dads, grandparents, aunties and uncles are also very welcome volunteers.

Working in the Canteen is not hard – if you can make a sandwich, boil an egg, make a cup of tea and you enjoy a chat and a good laugh, then you are almost over-qualified, as that’s about as difficult as it gets!

If you would like to become a Canteen Helper or have any questions about working in the canteen please do contact our Roster Clerk. The shifts that are currently vacant can be seen in the table below and you can request a copy of the roster with the helpers names included by emailing the Roster Clerk.

Check the most recent Canteen News for any one-off vacancies that need to be filled.